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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 24, 2009 · 3 revisions


The MRS formalism is a description language we use in composition and meaning representation. The actual content of useful MRSs, however, is largely governed by specific analyses and general MRS best practice. In building the LOGON MT prototype, it is vital to establish agreement on the basic building blocks of wellformed and useful MRSs. In many respects, LOGON has followed earlier work, as is embodied in the semantics produced by the ERG.

However, as we increase coverage and, in parallel, harmonize more both within each grammar involved and across grammars, we end up making refinements, additions, and revisions to ERG best practice. At the same find, we find phenomena that require distinct analyses across the languages involved (primarily Norwegian and English, but to a much lesser degree also Japanese and German). The following pages aim to collectively document LOGON MRS best practice, i.e. codify both the specific analyses adopted in LOGON as well as, ideally, some of the thought process that lead to these analyses. Using a wiki for collaborative documentation, we hope that (a) we will end up with a jointly authored collection of text, more (in volume and content) than one individual could produce by themselves and (b) the emerging collection of pages will eventually find a wider use, i.e. as part of the LOGON documentation upon project completion.

High-Level Considerations

Some Specific Phenomena

Computational Support

  • RmrsVpm --- Variable Property Mapping: this is used to convert the language internal mapping of properties to the SEM-I and back again.
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