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MichaelGoodman edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 1 revision

This page describes the plans and actions required for getting DELPH-IN data and processing into the NLTK. For some context, please see this discussion from the 2016 Stanford Summit.


  1. Motivation
  2. Goals
  3. Tasks
  4. Questions


The NLTK (Natural-Language ToolKit) is a large and widely used (particularly in education) Python package supporting a number of NLP tasks, but currently it only has limited support for semantic representations, and nothing for representing/accessing DELPH-IN data (aside from a REPP wrapper). This is a good opportunity for us to expand our presence.


There are three kinds of additions we can provide to the NLTK:

  • Data representations (e.g. modules for representing MRS, Derivation trees, etc.)

  • Data (e.g. make Redwoods available through and provide necessary CorpusReaders)

  • Processors (e.g. ACE or RESTful server interfaces)

Specifically, the following:

  • Data representations
    • MRS
    • DMRS
    • EDS
    • DM (bilexical dependencies)
    • Derivation (and labeled) trees
  • Data
    • Package Redwoods 9th growth or later

    • Provide CorpusReader for [incr tsdb()] profiles

  • Processors
    • ACE interface
    • RESTful client

We should see if NLTK's DependencyGraph or FeatureStructure classes can be used for the data representations.


There are some non-programming tasks that need to be done, as well.

  • Contact the NLTK maintainers (Ewan Klein, Liling Tan, or the nltk-devs mailinglist)
    • if our plans are appropriate for the NLTK (or some subset of them)
    • how to proceed with implementations
  • Provide unit tests
  • Write or collaborate on writing new book sections for the functionality


  • We have several Python implementations (see pyDelphin or pyDMRS), but can we drop that code in directly, or should we refactor based on NLTK's base classes?
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