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anonymous edited this page Oct 9, 2011 · 21 revisions


In order to select the most effective method of text extract and parameterize text correction, it is relevant to distinguish the various ways in which the PDF documents in the NORA collection were produced, e.g. use of LaTeX, vs. M$ Word, vs. other word processing tools. In the LaTeX world, for example, it may matter which specific approach was used to output PDF, e.g. latex plus dvips plus ps2pdf, vs. pdflatex, vs. integrated tools like MiKTeX. Likewise, when using Word, results may vary according to which specific software version was used, or depending on whether Adobe Distiller or another tool for PDF creation was applied. When it comes to font choices and character encodings, it might also turn out that more basic properties of the original environment used for PDF creation are relevant, e.g. the choice of operating system (Linux vs. Windows, say) and default locale settings.

Presumably many dozens or hundreds of distinct software environments were at play in the production of the NORA PDF files, and hopefully most of this variation will be irrelevant for the WeScience0 effort. Furthermore, only quite limited information about the original environment is recorded in the PDF files, hence it may at times be impossible to give exact answers to the dimensions of variation listed above. However, we need to find out what information about the production process actually is available in PDF files, and we will need a simple tool to inspect PDF meta information and extract relevant parameters. It is possible that some of the text extraction tools for PDF (see the NoraExtraction page) can be put to use in this task too.

Preliminary Notes

A report on observations in the extraction of PDF documents can be downloaded here:

Metadata Survey

"Producer/Creator" fields from circa 3056 documents:

grep -i word metadata-sort1.txt | wc -l  yields 1784 entries where Word was involved in some way. The occurrences of "tex" work out to 259, "ghostscript" to 557.

A rough survey of this metadata was not obviously helpful. There's a great variety of different versions, and significant differences just among, e.g., the four documents produced with MiKTeX -- the great versatility of TeX may actually work against us, and the large percentage of documents from Word may actually make things easier.

Pathological Documents

Documents that are impaired or unreadable due to unconventional font encoding:

  • 67495 (Svendsen 2007) - GPL Ghostscript 8.54 (very curious gibberish, mixing two styles)

  • 70059 (Bendiksen 2008) - TeX, AFPL Ghostscript 6.50

  • 78191 (Ulvestad 2008) - GPL Ghostscript SVN PRE-RELEASE 8.61

  • 78892 (Hanssen 2008) - (Unknown), AFPL Ghostscript 8.51

  • 86557 (Brændshøi 2008) - TeX, pdfTeX-1.40.3

Ghostscript documents which only feature unconverted glyphs on their front pages:

  • 65770 (Thoresen 2007) - "x1x14x2x24x14x9x5x11x26x27x13x14x2x4x2x8"

  • 74555 (Furuheim & Aasen 2008) - "x27x18x24x19x24x25x17x28x10 x22x24x21x19x26x10x24x21"

  • 79895 (Pedersen 2008) - "D4CPCRCZCTD8 CPD2CPD0DDDECTD6 D3D2 CPD2"

  • 61749 (Johansen 2007) - Actual control characters. PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2, GNU Ghostscript 7.06

In all these cases, other documents with an identical Creator field did not suffer similar problems.

Spacing issues:

  • 88173 (Lungo 2008) - Every space is replaced by the string "g561". The producer is Acrobat Distiller 8.1.0.

  • 79764 (Berg 2008) - Newline appears after most characters, resulting in an extremely vertical document.

Blank/unconverted documents:

  • 79631 (Huse 2008) - TeX, GPL Ghostscript SVN PRE-RELEASE 8.61

  • 82351 (blomskold?) - LaTeX with hyperref package, pdfTeX-1.40.3

For a more comprehensive list, observe the last screenfuls of ls -lS /logon/scratch/johanbev/raw-output/  

Breakdown of naive scrape 17/9

Not looking too bad. Of our ~9000 pdfs, only 205 failed to be extracted. Here fail means our current pipeline had to exit with an error for some reason. There is still many files with a lot of extraction artifacts.

Table of errors encountered

Num Error
72 BouncyCastle
12 No versioninfo
111 WrappedIO
10 Misc

The BouncyCastle error is caused by a missing jar-file which is related to encryption. This jar could probably be integrated before next scrape.

WrappedIO looks like problems with non-conforming pdfs. Much more on this on next scrape.

There are still some number of misc. errors most with either zipping or encodings.

Results are available at /logon/scratch/johanbev/raw-output with log at /logon/scratch/johanbev/errors.log

Non-PDF files in the corpus

The 111 errors above are not surprising considering  grep -iv '\.pdf$' links.txt  reveals 103 files did not originally have a .pdf extension. (Full listing in These break down as follows:

.zip 8 .html 5
.doc 65 .htm 1
.docm 1 .tex 3
.rtf 8 .ps 1
.odt 2 .wmv 1
(none) 8

A quick comparison of grep -v bouncycastle errors.log with non-pdfs indicates that these are largely the very files that cause WrappedIOException.

(HTML files sometimes cause versioninfo errors, sometimes WrappedIOException.)

The only non-.pdf files that do not come out with a filesize of 0 are 18821, 16425, 15446, 16511, 1250, 8995, 10685 — these are seven out of the eight files that did not originally have any extension. The eighth, 22431, is apparently a Word document.

Breakdown of new scrape 21/9

more to follow

We now have a paralellized scraper which speed thins up quite a bit (8x). There are now 135 failed documents. Considering 103 of these actually are not PDFs this is not bad at all. BouncyCastle is now integrated into our stack so we can decrypt the 72 encrypted pdfs from our 17/9 scrape. 71 of those did decyrpt with the empty key "", ie. only one was properly encrypted. We now need to decide if we are entitled to decrypt documents (even with the empty key).

There are still 32 pdfs which failed to extract. PDFBox was able to extract metadata from 8 of these files. A detailed file of this will be made available at ~johanbev/wescience0/metadata-scrape2.txt .

These 40 files are suspicious and should be further investigated

These files generated errors, and are not present in Olas not-a-pdf list, ~johanbev/wescience0/suspicious. On a quick glance , most of these look like nonconforming pdfs.

Detecting scanned-in documents

Using a build of pdfBox that has been instructed to signal pagebreaks with form feed characters, it's possible to mark documents likely to have been scanned in (without copyable text) simply by looking for documents that are empty beyond the first page. These are listed in — 329 files are identified, with no false positives.

Additionally, documents can be heuristically identified depending on how many short lines (<20 bytes) they contain; listings follow of documents with more than 70%, 60% and 50% short lines.

Source code in /logon/olasba/bin/ .

Ligature errors

Some documents have font encoding errors that result in ligatures (combined ff, fi, etc) not being parsed. 19 example files can be found in /logon/tobiasvl/ligature_pdfs.txt - these files all have "ffi" ligatures missing (the lines themselves can be found in /logon/tobiasvl/ligature.txt), and have been found by grepping for "ecient", the word "efficient" without the ligature gone.

Most of these files have explicit glyph problems (with the error message "Bad bounding box in Type 3 glyph"). The cause for this is unknown, and the DFKI code has the same problem.

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