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StephanOepen edited this page Aug 7, 2012 · 6 revisions

This page is a brief introduction to the profiles used by [incr tsdb()]. For more information, see the User & Reference Manual.

Page Status

This page presents user-supplied information, hence may be inaccurate in some details, or not necessarily reflect use patterns anticipated by the [incr tsdb()] developers. This page was initiated by FrancisBond; please feel free to make additions or corrections as you see fit. However, before revising this page, one should be reasonably confident of the information given being correct.


  1. Page Status
  2. Overview
    1. item
    2. run
    3. parse
    4. result


A Competence and Performance Profile is a test suite instance that includes competence and performance information from a processing system (such as a parser or generator) and a grammar (and possibly pre-processor).

A profile typically is made up of a directory consisting of a database stored as several text files. The format of the files is controlled by the relations file. The most up-to-date relations file should be here: Within each file, the rows are lines, and the columns are separated by the @ mark.

Profiles can be manipulated within [incr tsdb()] proper (the default) and some other tools.

Some of the files are described below. Note, however, that the [incr tsdb()] database schema is subject to occassional revision; the canonical current version is available through SVN.



  i-id :integer :key
  i-origin :string
  i-register :string
  i-format :string
  i-difficulty :integer
  i-category :string
  i-input :string
  i-tokens :string
  i-gloss :string
  i-translation :string
  i-wf :integer
  i-length :integer
  i-comment :string
  i-author :string
  i-date :date

This is the input file. The actual input is typically column 7: i-input. If it is tokenized/pre-processed before processing, the results of this should go into field 8: i-tokens.


This gives some information about the configuration of the actual test-run, including the processing engine and grammar versions.

  run-id :integer :key                  # unique test run identifier
  run-comment :string                   # descriptive narrative
  platform :string                      # implementation platform (version)
  tsdb :string                          # tsdb(1) (version) used
  application :string                   # application (version) used
  environment :string                   # application-specific information
  grammar :string                       # grammar (version) used
  avms :integer                         # number of avm types in image
  sorts :integer                        # number of sort types in image
  templates :integer                    # number of templates in image
  lexicon :integer                      # number of lexical entries
  lrules :integer                       # number of lexical rules
  rules :integer                        # number of (non-lexical) rules
  user :string                          # user who did the test run
  host :string                          # machine used for this run
  os :string                            # operating system (version)
  start :date                           # start time of this test run
  end :date                             # end time for this test run
  items :integer                        # number of test items in this run
  status :string                        # exit status (PVM only)


This gives information about the entire process for a single input item: this information is mainly used for competence/performance profiling. The i-id should be linked to the id in item.

  parse-id :integer :key                # unique parse identifier
  run-id :integer :key                  # test run for this parse
  i-id :integer :key                    # item parsed
  p-input :string                       # initial (pre-processed) parser input
  p-tokens :string                      # internal parser input: lexical lookup
  readings :integer                     # number of readings obtained
  first :integer                        # time to find first reading (msec)
  total :integer                        # total time for parsing (msec)
  tcpu :integer                         # total (cpu) processing time (msec)
  tgc :integer                          # gc time used (msec)
  treal :integer                        # overall real time (msec)
  words :integer                        # lexical entries retrieved
  l-stasks :integer                     # successful lexical rule applications
  p-ctasks :integer                     # parser contemplated tasks (LKB)
  p-ftasks :integer                     # parser filtered tasks
  p-etasks :integer                     # parser executed tasks
  p-stasks :integer                     # parser succeeding tasks
  aedges :integer                       # active items in chart (PAGE)
  pedges :integer                       # passive items in chart
  raedges :integer                      # active items contributing to result
  rpedges :integer                      # passive items contributing to result
  unifications :integer                 # number of (node) unifications
  copies :integer                       # number of (node) copy operations
  conses :integer                       # cons() cells allocated
  symbols :integer                      # symbols allocated
  others :integer                       # bytes of memory allocated
  gcs :integer                          # number of garbage collections
  i-load :integer                       # initial load (start of parse)
  a-load :integer                       # average load
  date :date                            # date and time of parse
  error :string                         # error string (if applicable |:-)
  comment :string                       # application-specific comment


This stores the actual result of the processing. There may be multiple results for a single input. The i-id should be linked to the id in item, the parse-id to the is in parse. Typically this file will be used as input by any post-processors, such as exporting, transfer, generation and so on.

  parse-id :integer :key                # parse for this result
  result-id :integer                    # unique result identifier
  time :integer                         # time to find this result (msec)
  r-ctasks :integer                     # parser contemplated tasks
  r-ftasks :integer                     # parser filtered tasks
  r-etasks :integer                     # parser executed tasks
  r-stasks :integer                     # parser succeeding tasks
  size :integer                         # size of feature structure
  r-aedges :integer                     # active items for this result
  r-pedges :integer                     # passive items in this result
  derivation :string                    # derivation tree for this reading
  surface :string                       # surface string (e.g. realization)
  tree :string                          # phrase structure tree (CSLI labels)
  mrs :string                           # mrs for this reading
  flags :string                         # arbitrary annotation (e.g. BLEU)
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