Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2011-08-22 02:05:47
Size: 2363
Revision 7 as of 2011-08-22 04:15:41
Size: 2363
Comment: formatting
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 33: Line 33:
  '''mrs''' `::= "[" "LTOP:"` '''var''' `"INDEX:"` '''var''' `[ "[" `'''vtype''' '''proplist'''` "]" ] "RELS:" "<" `'''eplist'''` ">" "HCONS:" "<" `'''hconss'''` ">" "]"`   ''<mrs>'' `::= "[" "LTOP:"` ''<var>'' `"INDEX:"` ''<var>'' `[ "[" `''<vtype>'' ''<proplist>''` "]" ] "RELS:" "<" `''<eplist>''` ">" "HCONS:" "<" `''<hconss>''` ">" "]"`
Line 35: Line 35:
  '''var''' `::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*\d+/`   ''<var>'' `::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*\d+/`
Line 37: Line 37:
  '''vtype''' `::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*/`   ''<vtype>'' `::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*/`
Line 39: Line 39:
  '''proplist''' `::= (`'''prop''' '''val'''`)*`   ''<proplist>'' `::= (`''<prop>'' ''<val>''`)*`
Line 41: Line 41:
  '''prop''' `::= /[^\s]+:/`   ''<prop>'' `::= /[^\s]+:/`
Line 43: Line 43:
  '''val''' `::= /[^\s]+/`   ''<val>'' `::= /[^\s]+/`
Line 45: Line 45:
  '''eplist''' `::= `'''ep'''`*`   ''<eplist>'' `::= `''<ep>''`*`
Line 47: Line 47:
  '''ep''' `::= "[" `'''pred''' '''roles'''` "]"`   ''<ep>'' `::= "[" `''<pred>'' ''<roles>''` "]"`
Line 49: Line 49:
  '''pred''' `::= (`'''realpred'''`|`'''grammarpred'''`)[`'''span'''`]`   ''<pred>'' `::= (`''<realpred>''`|`''<grammarpred>''`)[`''<span>''`]`
Line 51: Line 51:
  '''realpred''' `::= /^"_((\\")|[^"]*)*_rel"/`   ''<realpred>'' `::= /^"_((\\")|[^"]*)*_rel"/`
Line 53: Line 53:
  '''grammarpred''' `::= /\w+_rel/`   ''<grammarpred>'' `::= /\w+_rel/`
Line 55: Line 55:
  '''span''' `::= /<(-)?\d+:(-)?\d+>/`   ''<span>'' `::= /<(-)?\d+:(-)?\d+>/`
Line 57: Line 57:
  '''roles''' `::=` '''role'''`*`   ''<roles>'' `::=` ''<role>''`*`
Line 59: Line 59:
  '''role''' `::= "LBL:" `'''var'''` | "CARG:" `'''string'''` | `'''rolename''' '''var'''` ["[" `'''vtype''' '''proplist'''` "]"]`   ''<role>'' `::= "LBL:" `''<var>''` | "CARG:" `''<string>''` | `''<rolename>'' ''<var>''` ["[" `''<vtype>'' ''<proplist>''` "]"]`
Line 61: Line 61:
  '''rolename''' `::= /[^\s]+:/`   ''<rolename>'' `::= /[^\s]+:/`
Line 63: Line 63:
  '''string''' `::= "string" | `'''starredstring'''` | `'''quotedstring'''   ''<string>'' `::= "string" | `''<starredstring>''` | `''<quotedstring>''
Line 65: Line 65:
  '''starredstring''' `::= /\*\w*\*/`   ''<starredstring>'' `::= /\*\w*\*/`
Line 67: Line 67:
  '''quotedstring''' `::= /"((\\")|[^"]*)*"/`   ''<quotedstring>'' `::= /"((\\")|[^"]*)*"/`
Line 69: Line 69:
  '''hconss''' `::=` '''hcons'''`*`   ''<hconss>'' `::=` ''<hcons>''`*`
Line 71: Line 71:
  '''hcons''' `::=` '''var''' '''relation''' '''var'''   ''<hcons>'' `::=` ''<var>'' ''<relation>'' ''<var>''
Line 73: Line 73:
  '''relation''' `::= "qeq" | "lheq" | "outscopes"`   ''<relation>'' `::= "qeq" | "lheq" | "outscopes"`

Request For Comments: MRS


Formal Properties

Required properties:

  • TOP
  • RELS

Note that there is debate about the status of INDEX. It is not part of the formal definition of a complete MRS (see Copestake et al., 2005), hence Ann has at times argued it should be suppressed when constructing an MRS from its TFS description. On that point of view, INDEX is an element of the composition process, but not the 'final' product.

Conversely, it has been argued (by Dan and Francis, among others) that composition does not stop at the utterance level, i.e. if we were to move into discourse-level analysis, we might still need access to INDEX. Furthermore, in semantic transfer it is often convenient to have access to the INDEX (even more so as the current ERG leaves the TOP underspecified). In conclusion, as of mid-2011, I believe INDEX can be considered a legitimate component of MRSs, even though it remains true that it has a slightly different formal status than the others


Simple MRS
  • <mrs> ::= "[" "LTOP:" <var> "INDEX:" <var> [ "[" <vtype> <proplist> "]" ] "RELS:" "<" <eplist> ">" "HCONS:" "<" <hconss> ">" "]"

    <var> ::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*\d+/

    <vtype> ::= /[A-Za-z][^\d\s]*/

    <proplist> ::= (<prop> <val>)*

    <prop> ::= /[^\s]+:/

    <val> ::= /[^\s]+/

    <eplist> ::= <ep>*

    <ep> ::= "[" <pred> <roles> "]"

    <pred> ::= (<realpred>|<grammarpred>)[<span>]

    <realpred> ::= /^"_((\\")|[^"]*)*_rel"/

    <grammarpred> ::= /\w+_rel/

    <span> ::= /<(-)?\d+:(-)?\d+>/

    <roles> ::= <role>*

    <role> ::= "LBL:" <var> | "CARG:" <string> | <rolename> <var> ["[" <vtype> <proplist> "]"]

    <rolename> ::= /[^\s]+:/

    <string> ::= "string" | <starredstring> | <quotedstring>

    <starredstring> ::= /\*\w*\*/

    <quotedstring> ::= /"((\\")|[^"]*)*"/

    <hconss> ::= <hcons>*

    <hcons> ::= <var> <relation> <var>

    <relation> ::= "qeq" | "lheq" | "outscopes"

Indexed MRS

MrsRfc (last edited 2018-11-05 06:23:59 by MichaelGoodman)

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