Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2010-07-02 15:00:16
Size: 181
Editor: EmilyBender
Revision 2 as of 2010-07-02 15:34:18
Size: 296
Editor: StephanOepen
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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EmilyBender 71620314 21031983-1 Hotel des Grandes Ecoles +33 (0)6-28-80-20-91 (I'm pretty sure you only dial the zero that's in parentheses if you aren't using the country code.) * EmilyBender 71620314 21031983-1 Hotel des Grandes Ecoles
+33 (0)6-28-80-20-91 (I'm pretty sure you only dial the zero that's in parentheses if you aren't using the country code.)

* Stephan Oepen 14558571 21002595-2
 Hotel Home Business Grande Bibliotheque
 cell phone: (+47) 4546 6632

* EmilyBender 71620314 21031983-1 Hotel des Grandes Ecoles

  • +33 (0)6-28-80-20-91 (I'm pretty sure you only dial the zero that's in parentheses if you aren't using the country code.)

* Stephan Oepen 14558571 21002595-2

  • Hotel Home Business Grande Bibliotheque cell phone: (+47) 4546 6632
(The DELPH-IN infrastructure is hosted at the University of Oslo)