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BenjaminWaldron edited this page Mar 3, 2006 · 1 revision

Sample SMAF document

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 <!DOCTYPE smaf SYSTEM 'smaf.dtd'>
 <smaf document='URL'>
  <olac:olac xmlns:olac='' xmlns:dc=''>
   <dc:identifier>HOG-LIKE ID</dc:identifier>
   <!-- more OLAC metadata possible -->
  <lattice init='v0' final='v89' cfrom='0' cto='100'>

   <!-- some simple tokens-->
   <edge type='token' id='t1' cfrom='0' cto='6' source='v0' target='v1'>
    <slot name='surface'>Andrew</slot>
   <edge type='token' id='t2' cfrom='7' cto='13' source='v0' target='v1'>
    <slot name='surface'>smiles</slot>

   <!-- part-of-speech -->
   <edge type='pos' id='p1' deps='t1' source='v0' target='v1'>
     <slot name='weight'>0.5</slot>
     <slot name='tagset'>CLAWS</slot>
     <slot name='tag'>NNP</slot>

   <!-- sample named entity -->
   <edge type='namedEntity' id='n1' cfrom='10' cto='20' source='v0' target='v1'>
    <slot name='weight'>0.567</slot>
    <slot name='surface'>1987 to 1997</slot>
    <fs type='timespan'>
       <f name='from'>
          <fs type='point'>
            <f name='year'>
              <fs type='1987'/>
       <f name='to'>
          <fs type='point'>
            <f name='year'>
              <fs type='1997'/>
     <!-- OR: could we use RMRS in place of above FS? -->

   <!-- ... -->
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