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Type Description Language and other aspects of DELPH-IN Joint Reference Formalism

Case Sensitivity

Case Sensitive

Case Insensitive


Notes: Arguments for case insensitive include shouting (call caps); Arguments for case sensitive include the use of upper case vowels in vowel harmony languages (linguistic representations, not orthography)

Doc Strings

TDL types allow a doc string:

n_-_c_le := n_intr_lex_entry &
"Intransitive count noun (icn)    
<ex>The dog barked.
<nex>Much dog bark.".

TDL File Syntax

   1 # File Contents
   3 TdlTypeFile  := ( TypeDef | Spacing )* EOF
   4 TdlRuleFile  := ( LexRuleDef | MorphSet | Spacing )* EOF
   6 # Types and Lexical Rules
   8 TypeDef      := Type ( AvmDef | AvmAddendum )
   9 AvmDef       := DefOp DefBody
  10 AvmAddendum  := AddOp ( DefBody
  11                       | DocString? Conjunction
  12                       | DocString )
  13 LexRuleDef   := Type DefOp Affix? DefBody
  14 DefBody      := Supertypes ( And DocString? Conjunction | DocString? )
  15 Supertypes   := Type ( And Type )*
  16 Type         := Identifier Spacing
  17 DocString    := DQString
  18 Conjunction  := Term ( And Term )*
  19 Term         := ( Type
  20                 | FeatureTerm
  21                 | DiffList
  22                 | ConsList
  23                 | Coreference
  24                 | DQString
  25                 | QSymbol
  26                 | Regex
  27                 )
  28 FeatureTerm  := LBrack AttrVals? RBrack
  29 AttrVals     := AttrVal ( Comma AttrVal )*
  30 AttrVal      := Attribute ( Dot Attribute )* Conjunction
  31 Attribute    := Identifier
  32 DiffList     := DLOpen Conjunctions? DLClose
  33 ConsList     := CLOpen ( Conjunctions ConsEnd? )? CLClose
  34 ConsEnd      := Comma Ellipsis | Dot Conjunction
  35 Conjunctions := Conjunction ( Comma Conjunction )*
  36 Coreference  := "#" Identifier Spacing
  38 # Letter-sets, Wild-cards, and Affixes
  40 MorphSet     := "%" "(" ( LetterSetDef | WildCardDef ) ")"
  41 LetterSetDef := "letter-set" Space? "(" LetterSetVar Space LetterSet ")"
  42 WildCardDef  := "wild-card" Space? "(" WildCardVar Space LetterSet ")"
  43 LetterSetVar := /![^ ]/
  44 WildCardVar  := /\?[^ ]/
  45 LetterSet    := /([^)\\]|\\.)+/
  46 Affix        := AffixClass AffixPattern+ Spacing
  47 AffixClass   := "%prefix" | "%suffix"
  48 AffixPattern := Space? "(" AffixSubPat Space AffixSubPat ")"
  49 AffixSubPat  := LetterSetVar | WildCardVar | AffixNull | AffixChar
  50 AffixNull    := "*"
  51 AffixChar    := /([^!?\s*\\]|\\[^ ])+/
  53 # Whitespace and Comments
  55 Spacing      := Space? Comment*
  56 Space        := /\s+/
  57 Comment      := ( LineComment | BlockComment ) Space?
  58 LineComment  := /;.*$/
  59 BlockComment := "#|" /([^|\\]|\\.|\|[^#])*/ "|#"
  61 # Literals
  63 DefOp        := ":=" Spacing
  64 AddOp        := ":+" Spacing
  65 Identifier   := /[^\s.:<=&,#[]$()>!^\/]+/
  66 Dot          := "." Spacing
  67 And          := "&" Spacing
  68 Comma        := "," Spacing
  69 LBrack       := "[" Spacing
  70 RBrack       := "]" Spacing
  71 DLOpen       := "<!" Spacing
  72 DLClose      := "!>" Spacing
  73 CLOpen       := "<" Spacing
  74 CLClose      := ">" Spacing
  75 Ellipsis     := "..." Spacing
  76 DQString     := /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/ Spacing
  77 QSymbol      := "'" Identifier Spacing
  78 Regex        := "^" /([^$\\]|\\.)*/ "$"


1. The ^ character is used to signal "expanded-syntax" in the LKB, but is this only used for regular expressions? Are there other expanded syntaxes? Do non-LKB processors support them?

2. Are instances distinguishable from types? Are they (other other entities) restricted to having exactly one supertype?

3. When supertypes are required (e.g., on a TypeDef), must they appear before other Terms in the Conjunction?

4. Should the (deprecated or repurposed) subtype operator (:<) be included in the syntax description?

5. Is variation allowed with regards to the position of docstrings?

6. Are spaces allowed inside a feature path? Comments?


(The DELPH-IN infrastructure is hosted at the University of Oslo)