= DELPH-IN converter to bilexical dependencies = == Background == The script converts ERG derivation tree to bi-lexical syntactic dependencies (dubbed DT), and ERG [[http://moin.delph-in.net/EdsTop|Elementary Dependency Structures]] to bi-lexical semantic dependencies (dubbed DM). See brief [[http://www.delph-in.net/2013/tools.pdf|presentation of new DELPH-IN Tools]] from the 9th DELPH-IN Summit 31 July 2013. == Installation == The converter script is located in the [[http://moin.delph-in.net/LogonTop|LOGON Source Tree]] (see [[http://moin.delph-in.net/LogonInstallation|LogonIstallation]] about the installation of LOGON tree on your machine): ${LOGONROOT}/uio/dtm/converter.py A brief documentation is available at ${LOGONROOT}/uio/dtm/converter.pdf == Usage == $LOGONROOT/bin/dtm is the wrapper that invokes the converter: $LOGONROOT/bin/dtm --grammar /usit/abel/u1/angelii/logon/lingo/erg --data --tok erg --dtm --tex $LOGONROOT/bin/dtm --grammar /usit/abel/u1/angelii/logon/lingo/erg --data --tok erg --dtm --tex == Publications == * Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Lilja Øvrelid, and Dan Flickinger. [[http://aclweb.org/anthology/W/W12/W12-3602.pdf|Who Did What to Whom? A Contrastive Study of Syntacto-Semantic Dependencies]]. Linguistic Annotation Workshop. Jeju, South Korea, 2012 * Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger and Lilja Øvrelid. On Different Approaches to Syntactic Analysis Into Bi-Lexical Dependencies An Empirical Comparison of Direct, PCFG-Based, and HPSG-Based Parsers. The 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT). Nara, Japan, 2013 * Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen and Lilja Øvrelid. [[http://aclweb.org/anthology//P/P13/P13-3005.pdf|Survey on parsing three dependency representations for English]]. ACL Student Research Workshop. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013