DELPH-IN converter to bilexical dependencies
The script converts ERG derivation tree to bi-lexical syntactic dependencies (dubbed DT), and ERG Elementary Dependency Structures to bi-lexical semantic dependencies (dubbed DM).
See brief presentation of new DELPH-IN Tools from the 9th DELPH-IN Summit 31 July 2013.
The converter script is located in the LOGON Source Tree (see LogonIstallation about the installation of LOGON tree on your machine):
A brief documentation is available at ${LOGONROOT}/uio/dtm/converter.pdf
$LOGONROOT/bin/dtm is the wrapper that invokes the converter:
$LOGONROOT/bin/dtm --grammar /usit/abel/u1/angelii/logon/lingo/erg --data <data> --tok erg --dtm <output> --tex <output>$LOGONROOT/bin/dtm --grammar /usit/abel/u1/angelii/logon/lingo/erg --data <data> --tok erg --dtm <output> --tex <output>
Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Lilja Øvrelid, and Dan Flickinger. Who Did What to Whom? A Contrastive Study of Syntacto-Semantic Dependencies. Linguistic Annotation Workshop. Jeju, South Korea, 2012
- Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen, Rebecca Dridan, Dan Flickinger and Lilja Øvrelid. On Different Approaches to Syntactic Analysis Into Bi-Lexical Dependencies An Empirical Comparison of Direct, PCFG-Based, and HPSG-Based Parsers. The 13th International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT). Nara, Japan, 2013
Angelina Ivanova, Stephan Oepen and Lilja Øvrelid. Survey on parsing three dependency representations for English. ACL Student Research Workshop. Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013