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Revision 1 as of 2004-07-21 20:02:17
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Editor: anonymous
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Revision 2 as of 2011-10-08 21:12:11
Size: 164
Editor: localhost
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Lista på alla sidor, sorterade efter storlek:

  1. 220502 WeSearch/StarSem/MrsCrawlingOracle
  2. 124847 JimWhite/StarSemTokenTabulation
  3.  93262 BadContent
  4.  89279 WeSearch/CcsDayTwo
  5.  88378 WeSearch/CcsDayThree
  6.  83656 WeSearch/CcsDayOne
  7.  77455 MatrixDoc/Lexicon
  8.  41017 LADIndonesianMorphology
  9.  40984 LapDevelopment/Blog
  10.  39623 MatrixDoc/WordOrder
  11.  38811 LADChineseRelatives
  12.  38648 MtJaenTanaka
  13.  37564 MatrixTDB2Tables
  14.  34345 LADLushootseedSemantics
  15.  32159 CapitolHillTreebank
  16.  30728 VirtualParsingEfficiency
  17.  30027 LADValenceChange
  18.  29825 ErgRules
  19.  29622 MtJaenFeedbackCleaning
  20.  29392 StanfordAlgebraAdditions
  21.  29090 SynSem/Activities/PolymorphicVariadicPredicates
  22.  28657 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014ProperNounsGeneration
  23.  27537 ReppTop
  24.  26683 VirtualCoordinationComposition
  25.  26107 PetInput
  26.  26049 VirtualMatrix
  27.  25856 ErgSemantics/Essence
  28.  25018 SynSem/Problems/ScopalNonScopal
  29.  23576 GrammarConfigurationRfc
  30.  23240 RmrsLm
  31.  22742 OsloScopalNonScopal
  32.  22519 TomarQuantumMRS
  33.  22391 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014DeverbalNouns
  34.  22074 TomarNames
  35.  22022 DiderotApplicationDiscussion
  36.  21992 GrammarCatalogue
  37.  21363 EdsTop
  38.  20980 MatrixChoicesRfc
  39.  20923 ErgProcessing/SampleExport
  40.  20524 WeSearch/UnderspecifedAttachment
  41.  20152 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014Arity
  42.  19204 LkbInstallation
  43.  18828 TdlRfc
  44.  18796 MatrixMrsTestSuiteJa
  45.  18763 MatrixDoc/Case
  46.  18527 MrsRfc
  47.  18319 LogonBook
  48.  18160 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014WhatsThePoint
  49.  18024 MatrixDoc/TenseAspectMood
  50.  17848 StanfordSenses
  51.  17827 DiderotUnderspecifiedAttachment
  52.  17572 MatrixTDBProcedures
  53.  17217 VirtualChoices
  54.  17192 WeSearch/DataCollection
  55.  17163 TomarMrsWellformedness
  56.  17120 ZhongHistory
  57.  17078 MatrixMrsTestSuite
  58.  16953 SuquamishMRSWordNet
  59.  16614 VirtualInfrastructure
  60.  16580 VirtualAppend
  61.  16506 WambayaPhenomenaCatalogue
  62.  16357 MatrixRegressionTesting
  63.  16347 LapDevelopment/ServerDeployment
  64.  16214 LtgOslo/LaTeX
  65.  16168 CapitolHillDiscourse
  66.  16159 StanfordMeaningRep
  67.  16122 SaarlandTense
  68.  16101 LogonProcessing/BatchTranslation
  69.  15438 matrixdef_File_Syntax
  70.  14807 StanfordMetagrammar
  71.  14740 TomarMatrix
  72.  14599 SynSem/Planning
  73.  14571 MatrixDoc/ClausalModifiers
  74.  14443 MatrixDocTop
  75.  14255 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014Nominalization
  76.  14177 LogonModeling
  77.  14050 MatrixDoc/Coordination
  78.  13994 MatrixDoc/SententialNegation
  79.  13963 VirtualLkbFos2
  80.  13746 StanfordMatrixFeedback
  81.  13679 AgreeTop
  82.  13622 MatrixDoc/ArgumentOptionality
  83.  13576 LkbFaq
  84.  13497 RmrsVpm
  85.  13488 VirtualComponents
  86.  13485 ErgSemantics/Basics
  87.  13457 SingaporeSmtModel
  88.  13226 RmrsNes
  89.  13068 DiderotWhQuestionsLibrary
  90.  13059 MatrixMrsTestSuiteIndonesian
  91.  13041 LogonProcessing/BatchParsing
  92.  13005 DelphinApplications
  93.  12880 RedwoodsTop
  94.  12851 StanfordVerbalNouns
  95.  12835 LogonInstallation
  96.  12650 LADEnglishGapping
  97.  12644 TitanPackaging
  98.  12560 SaarlandSchedule
  99.  12477 TomarRobustParsing
  100.  12397 TomarGrammarScaleUp
  101.  12127 JerezTop
  102.  12107 CapitolHillChartMap
  103.  12087 SaarlandLtopDiscussion
  104.  11895 SaarlandSententialArgument
  105.  11824 LkbLpconstraints
  106.  11798 CapitolHillPhDDesign
  107.  11727 BerlinTop
  108.  11711 ErgTokenization
  109.  11700 OsloSchedule
  110.  11644 VirtualSchedule
  111.  11644 SuquamishLexSem
  112.  11625 CambridgeExtractionAppend
  113.  11585 SingaporeSchedule
  114.  11530 DiderotConstrainingComposition
  115.  11461 LapDevelopment/Giellatekno
  116.  11423 OsloQuestionRepresentation
  117.  11340 LapDevelopment
  118.  11314 TomarSchedule
  119.  11291 MatrixDoc/Person
  120.  11179 MatrixDevTop
  121.  11112 MatrixDoc/InformationStructure
  122.  11063 StanfordDefaults
  123.  11030 NoraExtraction
  124.  11016 WeSearch/StarSem
  125.  10996 MatrixDoc/DirectInverse
  126.  10996 LADChineseAnotA
  127.  10961 JacyIdiom
  128.  10898 SofiaIconsImplementation
  129.  10864 CapitolHillDefiniteness
  130.  10853 MatrixMrsTestSuiteEn
  131.  10838 SemiRfc
  132.  10775 SingaporeTutorialPlanning
  133.  10737 SingaporeMRSMatrixTestsuites
  134.  10729 CambridgeSchedule
  135.  10722 StanfordSchedule
  136.  10721 WeSearch/PestExamples
  137.  10675 MatrixDoc/AdnominalPossession
  138.  10657 LanguageSetup
  139.  10650 MatrixDoc/OtherFeatures
  140.  10568 StanfordMalRules
  141.  10412 DiderotSchedule
  142.  10407 LkbFos
  143.  10349 ErgProcessing
  144.  10293 MatrixMrsTestSuiteBg
  145.  10252 MatrixMrsTestSuiteRu
  146.  10226 SaarlandIconsErg
  147.  10168 EdsConversion
  148.  10162 GrammarPerformance
  149.  10144 SofiaMrsRfc
  150.  10134 LapDevelopment/Deployment
  151.  10126 PetDependencies
  152.  10109 SingaporeDmrsSimplification
  153.  10082 DelphinNews
  154.  10009 TomarFormalism
  155.  10002 AbbeyApposition
  156.   9978 SingaporeRepresentingPragmatics
  157.   9950 CambridgeNominalization
  158.   9938 CapitolHillSmall2Large
  159.   9932 LkbEmacs
  160.   9907 SofiaSchedule
  161.   9900 GrammarEngineeringFaq
  162.   9893 ErgSemantics/Design
  163.   9887 DiderotEsdFocusGroup
  164.   9824 SynSem/MeaningRepresentation
  165.   9795 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014ProperNouns
  166.   9730 LogonExtras
  167.   9728 DiderotRationalSpeechActs
  168.   9684 MatrixMrsTestSuiteGr
  169.   9683 LapDevelopment/Annotations
  170.   9679 Climb/GClimb/German
  171.   9638 LADChineseReduplication
  172.   9628 DeepBank
  173.   9561 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  174.   9509 SuquamishSchedule
  175.   9496 EvaluationParCorp
  176.   9459 PetInputChart
  177.   9400 CambridgeEfficiencyRobustnessPrecision
  178.   9344 PetTop
  179.   9250 MatrixDoc/Number
  180.   9243 StanfordUtility
  181.   9227 SingaporeGrammarDocumentation
  182.   9207 LkbLui
  183.   9115 MatrixDoc/YesNoQ
  184.   9111 SingaporeSemanticAlgebraCompliance
  185.   9108 VirtualDEA
  186.   9078 OldProjects
  187.   9061 CapitolHillPassives
  188.   9048 NoraInspection
  189.   9042 LtgOslo/BibTeX
  190.   9029 LogonGeilo
  191.   9023 FftbTop
  192.   9003 SingaporeRepresentingMwes
  193.   8963 CapitolHillLexicon
  194.   8854 MultilingualShapeworld
  195.   8846 MatrixMrsCatb
  196.   8824 ItsdbDerivations
  197.   8759 BirdsofaFeather2011Summary
  198.   8692 Updating_the_Customization_System
  199.   8592 WeSearch/Adaptation/Background
  200.   8569 MatrixDoc/Gender
  201.   8568 LogonTransfer
  202.   8517 AceConfiguration
  203.   8497 WeSearch/Rdf
  204.   8492 LkbSppp
  205.   8436 OsloAncientGreekCoordination
  206.   8420 WeSearch/SentenceSegmentation
  207.   8348 DiderotTop
  208.   8332 LogonTest/BenchmarkingSuite
  209.   8307 LtgOslo/Delphin
  210.   8276 StanfordCrowgeyIntrinsicVariableNotes
  211.   8273 WeSearch/StarSem/MrsReadingGroup
  212.   8187 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014SchrodingerMrs
  213.   8182 GeFaqFeatureGeometry
  214.   8126 MtSetup
  215.   8122 OsloEventsInstances
  216.   8116 DelphinTutorial/Formalisms
  217.   8056 RestfulTop
  218.   7964 SingaporeMrsWellformedness
  219.   7929 RmrsDiscussions
  220.   7888 LkbEvolution
  221.   7863 ErgSemantics
  222.   7830 MatrixMrsTestSuiteNo
  223.   7815 UtTop
  224.   7749 SynSem/MeaningConstruction
  225.   7716 ErgReleases
  226.   7687 MatrixMrsTestSuiteSv
  227.   7670 ItsdbProfile
  228.   7660 StanfordNltk
  229.   7656 LexDbFieldMappings
  230.   7654 MatrixMrsTestSuitePt
  231.   7618 WcbTop
  232.   7613 ErgGml
  233.   7596 WeSearch/Ccs
  234.   7591 MatrixMrsTestSuiteDe
  235.   7581 NoJa
  236.   7574 BarcelonaPackaging
  237.   7525 EdsGeneration
  238.   7516 TomarConnectingToExternalResources
  239.   7507 JacyTop
  240.   7492 PredicateRfc
  241.   7383 MatrixDoc/Evidentials
  242.   7365 LuiRc
  243.   7352 MatrixMrsTestSuiteMandarin
  244.   7300 BarcelonaSchedule
  245.   7298 ItsdbTreebanking/ItsdbAnnotation
  246.   7296 ErgSemantics/Interface
  247.   7274 FrontPage
  248.   7268 MatrixMrsTestSuiteCantonese
  249.   7243 ErgSemantics/Inventory
  250.   7235 ErgTreebankingGuidelines
  251.   7231 LogonTop
  252.   7202 ErgTokenization/ComplexExample
  253.   7198 DiderotHPSGandUG
  254.   7194 ClimbShortClimb
  255.   7177 MatrixMrsTestSuiteFr
  256.   7154 LkbGeneration
  257.   7144 RmrsDesign
  258.   7048 SaarlandNegScope
  259.   7035 AceOptions
  260.   7015 CambridgeWhQLibrary
  261.   7005 PetInputFsc
  262.   6985 SofiaVpmHarmony
  263.   6968 LadUW20161020
  264.   6938 MatrixDoc/ClausalComplements
  265.   6903 CambridgeSEM-I
  266.   6841 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014Terminology
  267.   6834 WeScience
  268.   6803 DeepBank/OneZero
  269.   6722 ErgSemantics/IdentityCopulae
  270.   6703 TsqlRfc
  271.   6701 SaarlandFormalism
  272.   6687 SaarlandWordNet
  273.   6668 AclAnthologyCorpus
  274.   6620 SuquamishDelphinEcology
  275.   6611 ErgTreebanks
  276.   6601 OldOverviews
  277.   6600 ParisSchedule
  278.   6564 ItsdbTreebanking/ItsdbModeling
  279.   6546 FeforDiscussionCompilations
  280.   6528 FeforTop
  281.   6527 GeFaqTdlSyntax
  282.   6521 StanfordGraph
  283.   6510 BarcelonaPreprocessing
  284.   6496 JacyInstallation
  285.   6457 WeSearch/SuperTagging/Setup
  286.   6424 SofiaLinguisticPhenomena
  287.   6422 ItsdbReference
  288.   6422 ErgTop
  289.   6382 LkbLtdb
  290.   6320 CambridgePartitiveCase
  291.   6315 SaarlandSocialMedia
  292.   6243 SuquamishTop
  293.   6176 DelphinTutorial/Processing
  294.   6170 LtgOslo/WorkDuties
  295.   6135 AceFaq
  296.   6126 OsloResourcesAsAnnotatedData
  297.   6096 ZhongGeneration
  298.   6095 MatrixDevBlueprints
  299.   6076 GeneratorImplementationNotes
  300.   6070 LtgOslo/MSc
  301.   6062 LexDbInternals
  302.   6042 WeSearch/HankøSchedule
  303.   6034 TsdbTop
  304.   5969 StanfordAlternativeSets
  305.   5964 ErgApi
  306.   5955 ErgSemantics/ControlRelations
  307.   5934 JacyValence
  308.   5920 SuquamishDelphinLibMRS
  309.   5876 QuickStart
  310.   5873 VirtualParsingDirections
  311.   5870 LogonOnline
  312.   5859 SingaporeHookOrthodoxy
  313.   5843 CheetahTop
  314.   5839 TsdbSchemaRfc
  315.   5800 ErgSemantics/ImplicitNominals
  316.   5741 RmrsDmrsComparison
  317.   5699 SemCor
  318.   5690 PetEclipse
  319.   5686 MatrixRegressionTestingSetup
  320.   5633 LogonPet
  321.   5630 NorsourceTop
  322.   5625 VistaExtractionTop
  323.   5613 WeSearch/ICONS
  324.   5593 ErgSemantics/Coordination
  325.   5593 SofiaGrammarLocalizationSIG
  326.   5575 AceInstall
  327.   5568 CapitolHillDependencies
  328.   5566 MtRuleExtraction
  329.   5538 FortuneCookies
  330.   5535 LocalSpellingWords
  331.   5530 SingaporeOnlineDemos
  332.   5524 JacyPerformance
  333.   5510 StanfordAPI
  334.   5449 MtJaenSmt
  335.   5448 TitanTop
  336.   5441 VirtualSharedConfigs
  337.   5440 LexsemMapping
  338.   5355 ErgTreebankingRules
  339.   5354 KyotoSchedule/InterDelphinNotes
  340.   5340 SmafTop
  341.   5300 FieldMappings
  342.   5287 ErgSemantics/Ccs
  343.   5278 ErgSemantics/Compounding
  344.   5267 TomarTop
  345.   5266 OsloShapeWorld
  346.   5245 MatrixTop
  347.   5243 LapDevelopment/ToE
  348.   5216 LkbMaf
  349.   5206 SingaporeTop
  350.   5201 DelphinTutorial/Grammars
  351.   5181 CambridgeKwaBantu
  352.   5179 LadUW20161110
  353.   5176 GeFaqUnifySurprise
  354.   5169 AceTransfer
  355.   5161 LkbTop
  356.   5135 WikiWoods
  357.   5131 CapitolHillGenerationTesting
  358.   5127 WeSearch/ScopalArgCoord
  359.   5055 MatrixCustomizationUnitTesting
  360.   5008 SofiaCLIMBAndReducingComplexity
  361.   5000 DelphinTools
  362.   4987 WeSearch/Resa
  363.   4957 OsloWordnet
  364.   4924 LkbCompilation
  365.   4914 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  366.   4904 TomarParseRanking
  367.   4877 StanfordTop
  368.   4867 LogonIdiosyncrasies
  369.   4848 BarcelonaSemantics
  370.   4848 CambridgeWhEvents
  371.   4831 SyntaxReference
  372.   4814 BerlinDissemination
  373.   4811 StanfordMikeGNotes
  374.   4811 VirtualMwe
  375.   4810 GeFaqRunawayRule2
  376.   4808 StanfordResourceSharing
  377.   4780 RmrsPos
  378.   4769 VersionControlForGrammarDevelopment
  379.   4761 SlavicMatrix
  380.   4755 SaarlandSemi
  381.   4751 LkbLexDb
  382.   4742 TomarShallowTools
  383.   4722 CambridgeEducation
  384.   4716 TitanTadm
  385.   4714 ItsdbDistributedProcessing
  386.   4704 MatrixCustomizationWebTesting
  387.   4699 BirdsofaFeather2011
  388.   4690 VirtualLkbFos
  389.   4679 Across_Framework_Evaluation_Metrics
  390.   4655 ErgSemantics/Parentheticals
  391.   4644 WeSearch/StarSem/MrsCrawlingEvaluation
  392.   4623 ErgSemantics/ImplicitLocatives
  393.   4621 LinguisticAnalysisDesignSingapore
  394.   4600 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014
  395.   4576 ErgSemantics/Ellipsis
  396.   4576 PetRobustness
  397.   4570 RmrsSemi
  398.   4559 OpenissuesTop/GrammarMatrixSerialVerbConstructions
  399.   4523 InterWikiMap
  400.   4520 LkbRpc
  401.   4507 JacyLexDb
  402.   4493 SaarlandTop
  403.   4475 RmrsParaphrasing
  404.   4475 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014BindingTheory
  405.   4425 RedwoodsLpp
  406.   4417 TheAbbey/Chrysalis2014OpenEndedPredicates
  407.   4414 LapDevelopment/Schedule
  408.   4396 StruktureradText
  409.   4391 ToolsTop
  410.   4387 ItsdbTreebanking/ItsdbUpdating
  411.   4380 BarcelonaTop
  412.   4364 SingaporeTemporalPronouns
  413.   4347 SofiaTop
  414.   4299 StanfordExternalResources
  415.   4298 LADUW20170110
  416.   4262 PetLogging
  417.   4252 DiderotOldSchoolSemantics
  418.   4246 MatrixMrsTestSuiteZhTw
  419.   4190 StructuredText
  420.   4189 ErgSemantics/Quantification
  421.   4186 ParisReproducibility
  422.   4164 ErsTutorial
  423.   4152 RomClitics
  424.   4150 ParisInformationStructure
  425.   4140 LkbWishlist
  426.   4133 SaarlandAceAgree
  427.   4133 ErgSemantics/TimeExpressions
  428.   4130 MoinMoin/InstallDocs
  429.   4120 WeSearch/UnderspecifiedPreds
  430.   4114 ZhongCoverage
  431.   4108 AceExperimental
  432.   4079 WeSearch/Adaptation
  433.   4057 CambridgeTop
  434.   4052 LisbonRepositoryDiscussion
  435.   4041 SaarlandIcons
  436.   4028 MtJaenAce
  437.   4017 BarcelonaCorpora
  438.   4014 FeforPng
  439.   4010 FeforDroppedArguments
  440.   4000 SummitTop
  441.   3969 SynSem/Activities/DependentDimensions
  442.   3947 ParisDefeasibleConstraints
  443.   3946 LogonProcessing/BatchGeneration
  444.   3922 SofiaIcons
  445.   3918 KyotoSchedule
  446.   3914 LogonAnswer
  447.   3884 LkbTrollet
  448.   3866 SlavicTop
  449.   3841 WikiTippDesTages
  450.   3836 ErgSemantics/Nominalization
  451.   3834 TypediffTop
  452.   3815 WikiTipOfTheDay
  453.   3800 LkbUserGroup
  454.   3793 RomSe
  455.   3777 CapitolHillTop
  456.   3773 SaarlandValence
  457.   3759 TeachingCourses
  458.   3735 TestingWithAnt
  459.   3713 LatticeSupertagging
  460.   3697 ErgSemantics/Conditionals
  461.   3696 LkbLexDbSingleUser
  462.   3682 LogonHandon
  463.   3676 KyotoTop
  464.   3675 IndraTreebanking
  465.   3660 LuiChart
  466.   3658 MrsIsomorphism
  467.   3655 TransferModel
  468.   3647 HedgeTop
  469.   3635 DocumentationParty
  470.   3630 ItsdbProfiling
  471.   3629 MatrixGettingStarted
  472.   3621 FeforStandoffAnnotationInterface
  473.   3612 CapitolHillLearning
  474.   3595 SuquamishDelphinLibP
  475.   3554 SuquamishGrammarIndexing
  476.   3530 ElementaryDependencyMatch
  477.   3513 CapitalHillPassivesDiscussion
  478.   3490 MoinMoin/InstallationsAnleitung
  479.   3480 StanfordDMRSGraphDescriptionLanguage
  480.   3476 ItsdbBatch
  481.   3456 ErgSemantics/NonAdverbialClausalModifiers
  482.   3441 FeforMRSinTranslation
  483.   3429 ErgLeTypes
  484.   3419 FeforPlenum/Formalism
  485.   3414 SaarlandMrsWordnet
  486.   3399 SystemPagesInSwedishGroup
  487.   3385 TitanPet
  488.   3375 CambridgeWhInfoStructure
  489.   3353 ParisTopics
  490.   3341 MatrixDoc/GeneralInfo
  491.   3337 OsloInfoMorph
  492.   3324 VirtualParticipants
  493.   3321 FeforParCorp
  494.   3300 ZhongYYMode
  495.   3299 MatrixDoc/Morphology
  496.   3278 DelphinTutorial/Distributions
  497.   3276 RmrsDistributional
  498.   3265 RmrsSpan
  499.   3249 ErgSemantics/Fragments
  500.   3245 MatrixMrsTestSuiteTatoeba
  501.   3228 IconsSpecs
  502.   3223 AceErgTuning
  503.   3214 LexDbPsqlInitialize
  504.   3203 JacyYYMode
  505.   3197 ZhongTop
  506.   3192 SystemPagesInEnglishGroup
  507.   3180 LrecTutorialSetup
  508.   3175 LkbPreprocessing
  509.   3168 GeFaqLkbInstallation
  510.   3164 BarcelonaParaphrasing
  511.   3163 StanfordOlgaZNotes
  512.   3163 LexDbInitialize
  513.   3150 LADUW20161117
  514.   3143 GDeltaTop
  515.   3136 ErgSemantics/Vocatives
  516.   3059 ErgSemantics/Imperatives
  517.   3056 PhenomenaTop
  518.   3028 StanfordMcValenceChangeFace
  519.   3020 ReverseIdiot
  520.   3014 PetOptions
  521.   3014 IndraTop
  522.   3013 Chart_Mapping
  523.   2987 LisbonDiscussionSuggestions
  524.   2983 ZhongRegressionTest
  525.   2974 PetSelectiveUnpacking
  526.   2955 SystemPagesInGermanGroup
  527.   2951 LtgOslo/Oscarsborg
  528.   2951 FeatureForestTrainer
  529.   2945 OsloTop
  530.   2942 ErgWeSearch
  531.   2942 SaarlandMweDiscussion
  532.   2933 StanfordParticipants
  533.   2918 NoraTop
  534.   2905 BerlinFrontiers
  535.   2902 LadUW20161013
  536.   2884 OpenissuesTop/GrammarMatrixClitic
  537.   2875 OsloExcursion
  538.   2868 BerlinProcessing
  539.   2855 RmrsTop
  540.   2829 BarcelonaEvaluation
  541.   2828 OpenissuesTop
  542.   2824 ErgSemantics/Apposition
  543.   2816 LisbonTop
  544.   2812 ErgSemantics/Discovery
  545.   2792 IndraYYMode
  546.   2790 SuquamishBusinessMeeting
  547.   2787 ItsdbWishlist
  548.   2787 SaarlandUseability
  549.   2779 WeSearch/DocumentParsing
  550.   2778 LuiAvm
  551.   2775 DelphinStudents
  552.   2762 ItsdbTop
  553.   2742 AceLui
  554.   2732 LkbLexDbMultiUser
  555.   2717 Initialize_PostgreSQL_Server
  556.   2715 LexDbEmacsInterface
  557.   2712 ParisMatrixInteraction
  558.   2677 FeforPlenum/LexicalAcquisitionImmatureGrammars
  559.   2670 ItsdbTroubleshooting
  560.   2655 TomarParticipants
  561.   2655 LapDevelopment/Tree
  562.   2646 AceUse
  563.   2643 RomContract
  564.   2643 LogonFedora
  565.   2641 LapDevelopment/Status
  566.   2640 OpenissuesTop/GrammarMatrixTenseAspect
  567.   2637 AceCsaw
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  940.    272 PetterHaugereid
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  946.    262 TJTrimble
  947.    261 BenWaldron
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  990.    178 StandingCommitteeGroup
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  993.    173 SideStørrelse
  994.    172 ParisPhotos
  995.    170 TaniaAvgustinova
  996.    169 VerwaisteSeiten
  997.    167 PagesAbandonnées
  998.    166 ValiaKordoni
  999.    164 SidStorlek
  1000.    163 JanBuys
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  1006.    147 JongBokKim
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  1027.    115 LadUW20171207
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  1069.     55 BartCramer
  1070.     53 ChowSiewYeng
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  1078.     37 AnnCopestake
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  1084.     29 RichardBergmair
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  1091.      2 DanFlickinger
  1092.      0 StephanOepen

SidStorlek (last edited 2011-10-08 21:12:11 by localhost)

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